Debbie Gordon
Mar 23, 2019
The Moses Calling
“Let my people go,” Moses said to Pharaoh. But Pharaoh refused. This story has been playing over and over in my head as I’ve thought...

Debbie Gordon
Mar 14, 2019
Disguised Blessings
Last year was a bad year from January until December. There was not one month when we weren’t facing some crisis. When my birthday came I...

Debbie Gordon
Mar 11, 2019
A Solution
Relinquishing control to God is the beginning of solutions for healing in my life. Four months ago I began praying and asking God to help...

Debbie Gordon
Mar 8, 2019
The idea of perfection can trap us into believing that feelings should not be discussed or felt. In some denominations, there is a belief...

Debbie Gordon
Mar 4, 2019
It had been a long couple of days. We had driven all night for ten hours to travel to a hospital. Then we spent hours working through...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 27, 2019
My mom was a very neat and organized person so growing up I learned how to be neat and how to stay organized. This has been so important...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 21, 2019
It had been one of those weeks. One bad thing after another kept happening but I’d pushed through the week and even accomplished my...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 18, 2019
Today an analogy came to me. I saw myself through Jesus' eyes. He has the desire to eventually crack us and expose the geode that He is...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 16, 2019
My mom had a saying, “Watch out for nice people.” What she meant was to watch out for those people who only show their nice side. They...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 15, 2019
Stuck. That word is what my life was like two years ago. I had reached my limit. For years I helped everyone but I drained myself in...