Debbie Gordon
Oct 14, 2018
Running from Lions
Restlessness is not something that's usual for me. I'm normally satisfied, making the most of any situation but lately, there is an...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 28, 2018
Making a Difference
Making a difference. Those three words have been the motto of my life. When I met my boyfriend in college he inspired me to spend my...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 22, 2018
White as Wool
A few months ago as I was reading my Bible I suddenly realized a fact that I had missed. Remember the story of Rahab in the Bible? She...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 17, 2018
The Promised Land
Tonight a thought crossed my mind as I thought about the horrendous year we've had. For a while, I've known that I am in the desert and...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 15, 2018
Relinquishing Control
This week has been stressful. Our car saga continues. The resolution for my broken down car is almost settled but I learned this week...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 8, 2018
The story of Nehemiah has been running through my mind all day. I love this story and realized just how much it relates to our lives...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 2, 2018
We had been traveling for five hours and had five hours left to go when our car began having difficulty. Pulling over to the side of the...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 27, 2018
Butterfly Cycle
Years ago my kids and I had the amazing opportunity of watching the life cycle of butterflies. We watched the eggs turn into caterpillars...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 26, 2018
Tonight I can't sleep and probably won't despite my exhaustion from a very stressful week. It will be a night of prayer and a night to...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 26, 2018
I love rain. Running was my outlet of survival during my college days. There was no better way to release my frustrations, stress and...