Debbie Gordon
Aug 25, 2018
I love pruning but I have a dislike for electric pruning shears probably because of the summers I spent doing grounds work. My bosses...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 9, 2018
Unraveled. That one word has been toying in my mind all day as I think about my life. What I see is a skein of yarn that has been knit...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 30, 2018
Relinquishing Control
Hi, my name is Debbie. I'm a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with abandonment, rejection, isolation and grief. I'm...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 25, 2018
This week I submitted a letter to the judge for the burglary hearing that sentenced the man who stole from us. I spent days puzzling...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 21, 2018
It had been a stressful week as I made call after call to find a solution and answers to a need we had. I was expecting a phone call in...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 20, 2018
Parenting can be tough. My youngest had just moved from her crib to the toddler bed. I'd tucked her into bed and headed to finish the...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 8, 2018
The Wilderness
Life has it's way sometimes of placing us in the thick of very difficult situations and circumstances. This has been my life for...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 30, 2018
Prayer Warriors
Prayer has defined so much of my life over the years. I have watched God do miracuous things because of prayer. Mountains in my life...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 24, 2018
Spiritual Health
Last summer just one thing I did left me weak and exhausted. I'd weed for twenty minutes and have to rest. Every weekend I spent...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 17, 2018
Positive Lights
When I was a child I was mesmerized by the lights that flitted through the sky at night during the summer. My favorite thing to do was...