Debbie Gordon
Jun 2, 2018
I Need Help
I am a very independent person and manage to shoulder a ton of responsibilities myself. Of course God is there to help me but over the...

Debbie Gordon
May 30, 2018
Under His Wings
In college I lived near many lakes and always enjoyed the beauty of the swans that I'd see. Their white bodies stood in stark contrast...

Debbie Gordon
May 28, 2018
My grandfather was a pilot and owned his own plane. I will never forget the times he would fly my brothers and I in his plane from his...

Debbie Gordon
May 26, 2018
Hexagonal Thinkers
I am a hexagonal thinker and because of that I have a wider vision of things. I see the big picture and see things we need to change...

Debbie Gordon
May 19, 2018
Standing in a War Zone
All week I have felt like I am a soldier out on a field trying desperately to work as arrows and bullets have flown through the air. All...

Debbie Gordon
May 13, 2018
A Divine Appointment
It had been a tough day and I was running on one hour of sleep. I headed over to the health food store to purchase a few necessary items...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 29, 2018
Peace Be Still
Months ago I was going through a ton of trials in my life. It seemed like every way I turned I was faced with incredible difficulties. ...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 29, 2018
I love my GPS as it helps me navigate to unfamiliar areas but this week it took me on a wild goose chase to the wrong area of town. When...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 28, 2018
As a child I didn't like chocolate as it always left a bitter taste in my mouth after I ate it. The beginning was okay. It was sweet...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 21, 2018
Forty Years
The number forty has so much significance in the Bible. Typically, it represents a time of testing or tribulation. The Israelites...