Debbie Gordon
Feb 15, 2018
Last year God began opening my eyes and helping me understand more about prayer. I joined a prayer group with two friends. This was the...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 7, 2018
Suddenly, deep dark thoughts enveloped me and filled me with pain so profound that it overwhelmed my entire mind. The darkness was so...

Debbie Gordon
Feb 4, 2018
Over the years we have tried many diets as we've navigated through medical issues and food allergies. Recently, we began yet another...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 31, 2018
Some days are so difficult to move through. It has been a very challenging day with pain that I have been dealing with from past...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 31, 2018
Writing is something that keeps me sane and has for over thirty years but even long before then I wrote. A few weeks ago my grandmother...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 27, 2018
Years ago I ran. Running was an outlet for me, a time I enjoyed. As I ran I prayed and talked to God. It was a very special time for...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 27, 2018
A Special Horse
Sometimes God sends special people into our lives just when we need it. Other times He sends animals to bless our lives. God did both...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 26, 2018
An Open Window
When God closes a door He opens a window. This saying was something many people said to me when I was going through a very difficult...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 22, 2018
Finding My Fit
Rip Van Winkle. That story has been running through my mind recently. I feel like I'm Rip Van Winkle in one situation in my life....

Debbie Gordon
Jan 14, 2018
Two Sides
There are two sides to every story but sometimes I find people are so quick to judge that they don't take the time to ascertain the other...