Debbie Gordon
Jan 13, 2018
Seven Special Years
God knows exactly what we need. As I look back over my life I realize this. So much of my life has been difficult. Divorce has run...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 12, 2018
Praising God in Difficulties
Last year was a very tough year for a variety of reasons. Yet, out of those trials God taught me so many awesome things. Tonight I must...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 11, 2018
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare is real. It's happening all around us. We must be alert as Christians and wake up. God needs us to stop slumbering...

Debbie Gordon
Jan 6, 2018
The Impossible
This year marks the end of our homeschooling journey. As I type we are selling books we no longer need. Each one goes off to other...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 31, 2017
From Brokenness to Beauty
In our home we have a very difficult time with dishes, bowls, and glasses. It seems we all end up breaking them so over the years we...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 28, 2017
I have learned to make the most of what I have. This concept formed during my childhood when we lived in a garage that my great aunt...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 22, 2017
Our Best Friend
As believers God should be our best friend. Just as we talk to our family and friends about our life, our problems and our dreams, God...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 21, 2017
God Meant It For Good
Trials and difficulties surround us. When I think about these things I am reminded of Joseph, a man who was abandoned by his brothers. ...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 20, 2017
One Denomination
Years ago God opened my eyes to see a bigger picture, to understand that what we see in our human minds is not the vision God had in His...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 19, 2017
Loving God More
For a long time I attended churches that believed they had to tell everyone what to do: read your Bible more, pray more, go to church ....