Debbie Gordon
Dec 17, 2017
A New Name
Names are something we are given at birth but our experiences in life also give us names that cause us to take on a new identity. For me...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 16, 2017
Answered Prayers
God wants to do mighty things in our lives but sometimes it requires prayer and fasting. Challenges surround us and at times they seem...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 11, 2017
Giving up sometimes is such a wonderful thought especially when every way you turn there is another hurdle to face. Recently we had one...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 4, 2017
Pilot or Copilot?
Recently, I was having a conversation with God. As I thought about my day and my life, the image of a plane entered my mind and once...

Debbie Gordon
Dec 2, 2017
For years we had the most amazing cheerleader anyone could ever have, my mom. She encouraged, helped and lifted us up just when we...

Debbie Gordon
Nov 25, 2017
Facing Our Pain
All of us have cut our finger on a knife at some point in our life. What do we do? Do we ignore that our finger is bleeding? No, of...

Debbie Gordon
Nov 24, 2017
Jelly Beans
Memories are funny things. A song, an object, a smell, a thought . . . can trigger all kinds of memories. Walking through a grocery...

Debbie Gordon
Nov 20, 2017
A Joseph Calling
I love the story of Joseph. Trials and tribulations were part of Joseph's life for years, yet Joseph never lost hope and faith in God. ...

Debbie Gordon
Nov 18, 2017
A Willing Spirit
When I was a teenager I had the opportunity to dog sit for a family that lived around the corner from us. Twice a day I fed the dog and...

Debbie Gordon
Nov 10, 2017
Holiday Challenges
The holidays are difficult for us to face with my mom being gone. She was the glue that held our family together and without her things...