Debbie Gordon
Sep 28, 2019
Aslan's Breath
Scenes from C.S. Lewis's book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe have been filling my mind today. I can't help thinking about the...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 24, 2019
Kids were admitted to a hospital and had nothing to do other than stare out the huge tower windows of their wing and talk. All their...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 21, 2019
Muscle Memory
Daily I think about muscle memory because I work with muscles and speech. To make sounds requires muscle memory. We take speaking for...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 17, 2019
Analogies keep running through my mind as I sleep and I finally had to wake up and write them down. Years ago I had the privilege of...

Debbie Gordon
Sep 15, 2019
A Finger's Touch
An image passed through my mind in a leadership meeting when someone shared a story about how special it was to hold their father's...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 24, 2019
From Hurting to Healing
My life had been difficult for so many years and I was again facing some deep challenges that left me feeling like I was treading water...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 21, 2019
Our Purpose
Sometimes I hear people telling me that they don't know what God's purpose is for their lives. This is something that I pray God will...

Debbie Gordon
Aug 10, 2019
It was one of those days. I had texts coming in from several people needing things, an email with forms to fill out and a phone call to...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 27, 2019
Last week was a week where one word seemed to be the theme of the week, demanding. It started with a family crisis I had to intervene on...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 23, 2019
Pilot or Copilot?
Recently, I was having a conversation with God. As I thought about my day and my life, the image of a plane entered my mind and once...