Debbie Gordon
Jul 23, 2019
Pure Tones
For years I have been talking to God about my issue with modern music. It has come to the point where I am often found standing out in...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 13, 2019
Our Words
Words. A story has been playing through my mind. Words continue to fill my mind as I think of memories. One memory of long ago flooded...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 12, 2019
A Daniel Movement
Daily I attempt to have a quiet time with God and journal which is one of my ways of praying. However, today the vision of Daniel praying...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 6, 2019
I grew up with cats until the orange cat I received for my sixteenth birthday died when I was a senior in college. After that I no...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 29, 2019
My freshman year of college had ended and I'd returned home to work until college began again. When I returned home, I talked to my mom...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 19, 2019
Our Mask
Stepping out of codependency involves learning how to take care of ourselves and our needs so we can then take care of others. This is...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 19, 2019
A New Name
Names. For years I have thought about my last name. I've had three. My maiden last name was stripped away when I married. After my...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 8, 2019
I love nature. This is where I retreat when my life becomes overwhelming and stressful. It is where I hear God speaking to me in His...

Debbie Gordon
Jun 1, 2019
My Testimony
Hi, my name is Debbie. I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with: abandonment, grief, hopelessness and brokenness. I’m...

Debbie Gordon
May 30, 2019
Stuck fast as I slip down into the depths of quicksand. That seems to be where I am right now. My desire is to pick up momentum and...