Debbie Gordon
May 28, 2019
Stress. For days I have felt like I’m on a treadmill that’s running at maximum speed. All day long I run from one thing to the next ...

Debbie Gordon
May 23, 2019
Feelings are not right or wrong. We can feel many things and there is nothing wrong with feeling these things. I experience my own...

Debbie Gordon
May 7, 2019
Healing Words
I am a grateful believer who struggles with abandonment, grief, hopelessness and brokenness. Words. It is words that God uses in my...

Debbie Gordon
May 4, 2019
Last year was a challenging year in so many ways. Just when I was beginning to recover and God was beginning to heal me, Satan came...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 28, 2019
Russle of Spring
My early years of growing up I lived in a very different era. I was surrounded by my great aunts and great grandparents. After a hard...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 17, 2019
Support Team
Two years ago I entered a program that would change my life in a positive way. At that time so many negative things had come crashing...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 13, 2019
On my way home from a prayer group this week, I listened to Nightsounds on the radio and it brought back memories. I was reminded of how...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 10, 2019
The story of Naomi has been flooding through my mind. Over and over I think about her life. She left her homeland and lived in a new...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 5, 2019
Putting Out Fires
All last week I researched and worked my way through one problem after another. There was a problem with our bathroom renovation, a need...

Debbie Gordon
Apr 1, 2019
Hold On
As a young child I spent hours at my great Aunt Lola’s home playing with my cousins and riding horses. One day I was in my aunt’s front...