Unaware that her junior year will change her life forever, Debbie Gordon is packed and ready to return to Andrews University, a small Seventh-day Adventist college. All her former dormmates have moved off-campus, and painfully shy, she's in no position to make new friends.
Until a cute young man in her psychology class captures her attention. His name is Larry Borg. He's smart, handsome, and charming - and for some reason, he's interested in her. Debbie, however, wants to play her relationship with Larry safe. As they become friends, then great friends, then will-they-won't they friends, her apprehensions are challenged. And lucky for her, Larry is a great and patient gentleman who has his eyes set on only one prize - his life with Debbie Gordon.
Their love deepens, but tragedy strikes before forever comes, and Debbie is forced to cherish and preserve Larry's legacy of love which touches so many lives. Though pain seems eternal, she learns to rely on faith, God, and His never-ending promise of hope.
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