Memories are strange things. Sometimes everthing can be going fine and all of a sudden a recollection hits and I'm left in anguish and grief. These waves of sorrow have been washing over me lately leaving me in despair as I've worked on my book and remembered those long ago times with my boyfriend Larry. Writing is a blessing but lately the process has been crushing me. Sometimes I just have to push the project aside so I can recover. Last week I finally opened the doors to a grief support group knowing I needed strength and support to journey through this process. I walked into a room filled with people I didn't know. We shared our pain and struggles. It was a tremendous blessing to be with a room of people who understood what grief does. Our masks were pulled off and we talked openly together. As I left the group two women spoke with me. At the end of our conversation we ended up hugging each other. I never dreamed I'd walk into a room of strangers and walk out connecting so deeply. This group helped me find strength to continue moving forward with my project.
Pain is real in this life. We all have days and times when we face incredible heartache and hurt. God wants us to talk to Him about our sorrow and misery. He wants us to share with Him when we are hurting so deeply that we don't have the strength to make it through a day.
Job was a man that lamented deeply to God. Did God turn him away because of it? No, God listened and brought comfort and strength to Job. Eventually, God spoke to Job and restored Job's life.
Lamenting is something we need to do. Tell God your pain. Explain to Him how you feel. Express to Him the deepest thoughts that are on your heart. He wants to know. Ask Him for support and healing in these areas. When we are real and honest with God He can begin to heal us.