A God Moment

Wow! It was a God moment this evening. Even now I'm sitting back hardly believing what just happened. For years I've had a passion placed on my heart that seemed unreachable due to the magnitude of responsibilities I had. Recently, I was talking to God about this desire, asking for Him to confirm that it really was His will for my life. Amazingly, it's also something I'm forced to think about in a small group study I'm participating in. I was just puzzling this concept out a few days ago during my quiet time with God. Mostly, I was just thinking about it but silently I was asking God to show me His plan for my life.
For six months I've participated in two amazing experiences that have required lots of hard work but so many positive things have happened as I've shared, worked, and prayed with a team of amazing people. I have a huge decision to think about. As much as I love these groups, one is ending and the second I know God has a time limit on. Where God wants me I don't know but I'm certain He will open new doors. I've been contemplating this new direction for weeks, asking God for wisdom and help. My heart still yearns for the dream I've had for years.
Imagine my surprise when a woman came up to me tonight and said, "You have a calling on your life to do public speaking. It's written all over you, the doors just haven't opened up for you yet."
I sat there amazed because that's exactly what I've been dreaming about doing for years. And here is this woman who I've only known for a few weeks telling me something I'm certain God prompted her to tell me. God used her to speak to me tonight. What God does with this thought only time will tell but it's confirmation that what has been burning in my heart for years is indeed God's will for my life. Now that God has confirmed this I have to ask Him to lead with His plan and will for how this will happen. In the mean time I'm thanking Him for confirming His will for my life.
Do you have a passion and dream that has been stirring your heart? Talk to God about it. Ask Him to confirm His plan for your life. Nothing is ever impossible with God!