A Difficult Decision

Last year I had a very tough decision to make. I was forced to decide whether to stay with the job I've been doing for seventeen years or work in the job where I was a substitute. For months I tossed this thought around in my mind, weighing the pros and cons. I prayed about it and asked God to help me and to give me a full time opportunity with the work I've been doing if that was His plan. Weeks before the decision must be made, I spoke with my boss. We talked about my subbing job and she promised if I ever wanted to increase my hours she would work out a plan. We discussed the paperwork that was stressing me out with my subbing job. My daughter and I talked about the computer work that filled every evening and consumed many of my weekends. The reality finally hit me that at least with the job I've had for so many years I could walk away in the evening with all my tasks completed. There was nothing to drag home. I knew I needed this. Plus I had the flexibility to have some down time during the week to write and work on our renovation projects. As much as I loved my substitute position, it was the magnitude of paperwork that finally swayed in my decision. Looking back I know I made the right choice. If I'd stayed I couldn't have tackled my writing projects, participated in the small groups I'm in or blogged. God knew what I needed. I may have days where I'm consumed with exhaustion from my work and where I feel ready for a change but I know I'm where I need to be right now. I have to trust God fatigue and all. He has the perfect plan and solution for my life. Even now He has the next right step so I will sit back and wait for Him to lead.
Are you facing a difficult decision? Ask God for His wisdom and help. In time the answer will come just as it did for me.