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The past few weeks have been tough ones. Exhaustion has been pulling me down. After seventeen long years of very few breaks, it's no wonder I have moments like this. My life has been difficult in all facets of what I do. Some days I feel ready for a complete change. I'm just wearing out with all the demands of being a caregiver both at work and at home. At times I look at the multitude of things to accomplish and wonder when it will ever happen. Weeding should have been completed weeks ago, the garage should be cleaned out, pruning needs to be done, there are renovations to do, laundry to tackle, my book continues sitting on the shelf . . . There is so much to do but recently I've really needed to refuel. Anemia runs its tendrils into my very being making it difficult to push forward.

God has an amazing way of stepping into my life and reminding me that He's in control. He gives me the breaks I need so I can survive. Today this happened again and I was reminded that because I trusted and listened to Him, I had opportunities to pray and decompress today. He confirmed that the path I'm on is right for my life at this moment. I have time to write, time to pray, time to work on our home and time to rest and regroup.

I still struggle with extreme tiredness but God continues to give me the strength I need for each and every day. All I have to do is trust in His plan for my life right now. If I walk with Him, He will continue to lead me and provide for my daily needs.

Jeremiah 31:25 says, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." Isaiah 40:29 promises that God, "Gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Are you struggling with exhaustion today? Ask God for His power and strength to help you make it through today. When we ask, He never fails to help us.

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