
It was later than normal as I wrapped up my paperwork. I was running late for the group I love attending. “Lord,” I said, looking at the clock. “There is no way I can go now.”
Eventually, my work was finished; I turned off my computer, hurriedly pulled on my coat and locked the door of my office. As I headed to my car, I was fully intending to drive home as I was very late.
When I climbed into my car, God said, "Go to the group tonight."
"But Lord I'll be half an hour late. I hate being late."
"It doesn't matter," God responded. "I still want you to go."
As I headed to the church my conversation with God continued and I was certain that He was asking me to go. When I pulled into the church parking lot, it was late but I listened to God and despite my tardiness, walked across the parking lot and entered the church. Thankfully nobody gave me a disgruntled look when I walked into the room thirty minutes late. The movie was already running when I found a seat close to the door. I sat down trying to grasp what I could from the final minutes of the movie before the group discussion started. As I sat there, I wondered why God insisted I come.
I still don't know exactly why God wanted me to attend the group, there is an idea in the back of my mind but I will allow God in His own perfect time to reveal His complete plan to me. All I know is that I was there because God asked me to attend that night and I shared what God placed on my heart to discuss.
Many stories in the Bible talk about obedience. An angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt so Harod wouldn't kill Jesus. The Lord sent Moses to ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. There are many stories in the Bible about God telling people to do things and how He blessed them because they obeyed.
God asks us to obey when He speaks to us. He has a plan for each and every day of our lives and He will prompt us to do things. Our job is to obey. Blessings happen when we follow His lead. Is God asking you to do something today? Don't be afraid to obey. He has a special plan for your life that He will accomplish if you follow His lead.