Answered Prayers

God wants to do mighty things in our lives but sometimes it requires prayer and fasting. Challenges surround us and at times they seem to consume our minds. Darkness may fill our thoughts but it is in these times that we must hold tight to God and trust that He hears us and has a solution.
Our prayers are not always answered immediately, sometimes it takes years. But God always promises to listen. He is working behind the scenes in ways we could never fathom. Our job as Christians is to never give up, to never stop praying and to never lose our faith and trust in God. In everything God is working out a far greater plan than we could ever fathom.
We must cling to God's promises and remind ourselves of these truths when we feel we are sinking with discouragement and doubt. This is Satan's desire for us, to take us down so we lose hope and faith. But we musn't listen to Satan's lies. They simply are not true. We must cling to God and fill our minds with His truth and His hope. May we not lose heart even in the face of difficulties. God is a mighty God, one who has the power to work miracles. May we never lose heart!