One Denomination

Years ago God opened my eyes to see a bigger picture, to understand that what we see in our human minds is not the vision God had in His mind. When He shares truth with us, we are so quick as humans to take it and begin a new denomination where we segregate ourselves into small groups of people who share our same believes. But this was not God's original plan. His desire has always been to reach the entire world with His love. According to God, we are all one denomination. He loves everyone in this world.
The reality is there are only two types of people: those who love God and those who don't know God. That is it. It's that simple. The doctrines of the church will not save us, only a relationship with God will. We need to stop saying that we have the truth or that this church is the right church, the only church that will get us to heaven. There is no right church. We are all humans. Every church is filled with small pieces of truth. The reality is that He loves all of us. His love surpasses denominations. Those who love God and allow Him to be the leader of their lives are Christians.
May we stop segregating ourselves, compartmentalizing our religion and instead start loving God and loving each other. It's time we start sharing the good news of what Jesus did for us. That is really all that matters in this sin-stricken world. Jesus died on the cross for each of us because He loves us all so much.