God Meant It For Good

Trials and difficulties surround us. When I think about these things I am reminded of Joseph, a man who was abandoned by his brothers. He was thrown into a pit by his brothers and then sold as a slave. Later he was betrayed by his employer's wife and taken to prison. It would take years of tribulation but eventually Joseph was released from prison and he became second in command of Egypt. Years later he told his brothers in Genesis 50:20, "You meant it for evil but God meant it for good." How many of us can say this?
I have always loved the story of Joseph because my life has been so much like Joseph's. For years I have gone through one trial after another, feeling as though I was treading water. When a wave washed over me I wondered if I would ever come up for a breath. It seemed when I did another wave hit me and suddenly I was dealing with another challenge. My life has been so much like Josephs.
This year I again went through some very painful experiences but even when I saw one door slam in my face, I knew God had a new door for me. I can look at that new door and say as Joseph did, "They meant it for evil but God meant it for good." I am so thankful for the good that has come out of this new path. Incredible blessings have happened. God has taught me so much.
My life may be like Josephs but God has an agenda in mind. I will trust God with this plan despite the hardships. He promises in Romans 8:28, "that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." I am watching God do this in my own life. Indeed He has a plan that will make all these troubles worth while. My job is to trust Him even when I don't completely understand what God is doing. He's in control of my life.
May we be people who trust God just as Joseph did. We must put our faith in Him even in the middle of our difficulties. God has a purpose that our minds cannot fathom. May we cling closely to Him even during the storms of life. May we not lose heart!