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Our Best Friend

As believers God should be our best friend. Just as we talk to our family and friends about our life, our problems and our dreams, God aches for us to talk to Him. When we spend time with God, He fills us with visions that are mightier than our own. He whispers hope and comfort into our difficulties in life. We should be in communion with God daily, seeking His strength and wisdom for all that our hands must do. He wants each of us to be His best friend but this can only happen when we chisel out time each day to talk to Him.

Many of us attend church each week but church attendance will not save us. Only a relationship with God will save us. We can attend church regularly and help in various ways but if we do not have a relationship with God then all of these things are meaningless.

The single most important thing for all Christians is to have a relationship with God. He has huge plans for all of our lives and a purpose for each of us to accomplish here on this earth. When we spend time with God He helps us know the desires He has for our lives. May we be people of God, people who walk closely with Him, speak to Him and listen to what He has to say. My prayer is that God will be our best friend.

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