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Last year God began opening my eyes and helping me understand more about prayer. I joined a prayer group with two friends. This was the beginning of my journey into learning how to pray at a much deeper level. I began praying for my community that is oppressed by drugs. Families are being broken apart and lives are being destroyed and my heart became heavier and more burdened about the concept. I wanted to pray with more people. I just kept praying about it, seeking God's wisdom to make this happen.

Yesterday, one of my prayer warrior friends called me and we were talking about answered prayers. She mentioned to me that she has a friend that wants to begin a prayer group to pray for our community. I was excited about this opportunity as I have been praying for months about this. God is expanding my horizons of prayer. It is awesome to see how God is leading. When we seek God's will for our lives, He answers. Sometimes it takes months for these answers to happen but if we continue to lean on God for support and help, in His time He will make things happen.

I'm excited to see what God is doing and can't wait to see what else He has in store. This is a beginning. I know there is more to come. In the mean time, I will lean on Him for wisdom and seek his will for what He wants me to do. When we ask God to lead everything falls into place in His perfect timing.

Many Christians today are asleep but God is calling His people to wake up so we can become involved in the cosmic fight of the universe. More and more Christians are being called to pray. May we stand up and follow God's lead so the strongholds of the evil one can be taken down. It's time for us to fervently pray for our families, our communities, our nation and our world like never before so He can push back the evil forces that surround us. God needs our help so He can be victorious and win the battle forever.

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