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Relinquishing Control

This week has been stressful. Our car saga continues. The resolution for my broken down car is almost settled but I learned this week that in the time it took to resolve the matter my car was towed and taken to storage. A daily storage fee has been accruing that I had not anticipated. In the middle of this, we were also resolving my daughter's car problem after her car hydroplaned and rammed into a vehicle. It has been quite a week. In the middle of this mess, stressed out and worried I finally said to God, "Lord, I give my financial mess to you. I need your help with these car situations, with our finances and with the entire mess that is going on in our life." A peace came over me. I headed into work unworried about my life. Two days later I prayed again, "Lord, you know how much I have in my bank account. Please provide the money we need to pay our car bill." I called the man storing my car and he told me how much I owed and agreed to stop the accruing expenses that day as long as I mailed my check to him. Thankfully I had the money needed to cover that unexpected expense and soon that car situation will be totally resolved.

Yesterday we had yet another car problem happen. My daughter's muffler broke on her car and she called me. She took it everywhere and discovered that it would cost a lot to fix. I told her to drop it off at the body shop where we had an appointment the next day to assess the damage to her vehicle from her accident. We each found rides home. Her car is finally in our garage while we wait for insurance to respond to the claim. Now I just have to trust that God will provide a resolution for our current car situation. Again I must relinquish this to Him. He has a solution even for this matter. Philippians 4:19 says, "My God will supply all your needs." This text has been running through my mind all week. I keep reminding myself of this promise and I continue to relinquish this area to God. He has a plan. All I have to do is pray to Him about my difficulties and trust that He will provide for our needs. He knows exactly what we need and He will provide for our needs.

Do you have something you need to relinquish to God today? Is there a financial burden you are facing? Don't be afraid to give it to God. He is in control of everything and He will provide for your needs.

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