Supporting One Another

One year ago I entered a program that has supported and strengthened me through the struggles I continue to face in life. Not only was I surrounded by a group of women who I could reach out to, but I also began to watch amazing changes happen in my own life. Over and over again I was taught we are not here to "fix" one another. We were here to support one another. That is what I think changed everything. God is the only one able to "fix" us. He alone is capable of taking the wreckage of our life, unraveling it, weeding out the garbage and radically changing us. Our job as Christians is to listen, offer to pray and to support one another. That is all God asks us to do. We need to stop offering advice and stop recommending things. Instead, we need to start listening and loving each individual God places in our lives. We are all broken people. But the amazing thing is God is in the business of using broken people to achieve His goal of spreading His love to everyone. We are in this world to witness to others and to share the good news of God. In our brokenness we become weak and in our weakness, we have to allow God to work through us to achieve His plan. Miracles happen only through God's power. Daily, I am watching miracles happen through the power of God because I am allowing Him to take control, rather than relying on my own human strength. We need to stop fixing others and we need to start loving, listening and praying for each other. Lord, help us to be people who listen and pray for the individuals you place in our lives.