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In evangelism, we bring people to God but I still see people in bondage. So many people are hurting deeply and many churches lack the help and support for how to deal with these things. This bothers me deeply. In the denominational church I grew up in, I see people hanging onto the doctrines of the church but not focusing on God and their relationship with Him. Most are wearing masks and are afraid to feel or talk about their emotions and embrace their pain. I see people in complete denial about their hurts and hangups. Many are scared to be vulnerable, to take off their masks and be the person they truly are. We think when we come to Christ that of our pain and suffering will end but I see people in the church who stay in bondage and the joy gets sucked completely out of them. I see these hurting people being controlling people who hurt others as they are trying to control everyone around them maybe because of their own pain.

Doctrines won't save us. Church attendance won't save us. Only God can and all of us desperately need Him to heal us and guide us in our journey of life. We know God saves us from our sins but we forget that He can also heal us from our pain and suffering. We need to teach people how to tap into this healing power so we can become whole.

Life is so incredibly difficult and trials can swallow people up. I see so many that are unhealthy emotionally so they can't be as effective in their ministries or in their work in the church. Contention, controversy, and problems arise because of this. People are so afraid to be real, to share their feelings, to share their pain, to share their struggles, to be open and honest. It saddens me because it doesn't allow God to work as well in their lives.

My prayer is that all of us will be willing to take off our masks and be real. The reality is that when we do it allows God to make changes in our own lives. May we all begin to face our hurts and hangups so God can begin to heal us.

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