
All this year a Bible verse has been running through my mind. "My God shall supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19. Tonight a friend prompted the discussion about a word for the year and at first, I couldn't think of one but suddenly the word came. For me the word that ties into this verse is provision. God will provide. Last year we were snowed by hurdle after hurdle and the result was that I didn't accomplish the goal I had. It was a year where we were bombarded by arrow after arrow. We were in one battle after another. All we could do was face the challenges as we met them and scoop things out of the way that we couldn't tackle. This year is the year for me to trust that God will provide for our financial needs. Being a single parent is not easy and raising kids like mine has been challenging. Medical expenses are something that continues to follow us. Last year what I wanted to accomplish with our finances didn't happen but this year Philippians 4:19 continues to run through my mind. Looking at what we face and what I am wanting to do might seem impossible but God keeps reminding me that He has a provision for us.
Last year I tried a plan that is recommended by a reputable financial planner but it failed us. After much praying and thinking about things I decided to throw that idea to the wayside and this week I sat down and made a plan that is right for us. God showed me a way to tweak things for this year so I can meet my goal. Today I checked an account and God showed me the progress that has happened in the past few months and reminded me that it is possible.
In my worship today I read about Abraham and how God told him to offer his son Isaac on the altar. He obeyed. Just as Abraham was about to kill his son, God intervened. He provided a lamb for Abraham. God promises to provide for our needs too. If He could provide for Abraham so long ago don't you think He can for us as well? Provision. That is the word to focus on. God will provide for our needs. Nothing is too hard for God to do.