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A Gift

This is the season of gifts. Recently I was reminded of a lesson I was studying and the importance of accepting God's free gift to us, grace. In this season of giving my hope is that we will focus on the true reason for the season, Jesus. Knowing that we are all sinners and that we all make mistakes God decided to save us, to rescue us from our sinfulness. He sent His son into this world to become human so that He could die for our sins. This was the only way we could be saved. This is grace, God's gift to us. He loves us despite our sinfulness. He aches to reach out to us. If we will accept His gift of forgiveness He will erase every sin from our lives so we can begin again with a new life. This gift is something we must accept. God does not force this gift on us just as He doesn't force us to love Him. We are all sinners but the good news is that He accepts us. He sees all of our failures and impurities but He loves us anyway. He died on a cross so that every sin of ours could be forgiven. His life paid the price for our sins so we can live with Him forever in Heaven. Will you accept His gift today?

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