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Relinquish to God

I recently saw a picture of a child begging God to let her have the teddy bear that she wanted so much and God saying to her, ”No, please let it go and trust me. I have something better.” Behind God’s back, He was holding a larger and nicer teddy bear. This concept has been playing through my mind as God asks me to do the same thing with a situation in my life. Can I trust God that He has an even better plan than I could ever fathom? Am I willing to wait and relinquish this to God or will I stand there like that child begging and demanding that God give me what I want? This is the choice I must make. But the image of what God is holding behind His back reminds me that it’s better for me to surrender this to Him because His plan is even better than anything I could ever fathom. This is what I will do. What He is holding I do not know. I was not given that image only He was. My job is to trust Him. He has the perfect plan, one that is even better than anything I could ever dream of. I must trust Him. So tonight I relinquish this to God. I give it to Him, mess and all. Now I must wait for Him to give me the desires of His heart. I know that I will not be disappointed because I serve an amazing God, one that wants what’s best for me, one that is aching to give me things that are right for me. Am I willing to wait? Yes, because I know that He even has a perfect time.

My question to you is are you willing to heed His voice? Do you believe that He has an even better plan? My prayer is that God will give you the faith to believe that He has something even better for you. Heavenly Father, help us relinquish what you are asking us to give to you. May you fill us with faith and patience to wait on you. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for looking out for us and providing gifts that are even better. Amen.



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